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Reset Your Password

If you are having trouble logging in to this website, in almost all cases, it is due to a forgotten password.

Please try using the 'Forgot your password?' feature found on the right side of any page, beneath Member Login, to reset your password.

Note: Attempting to reset your password on a cell-phone is tricky.  It is best to use a desktop, laptop or tablet.

Forgot your password 

 On the Lost your Username or your Password? page, check the  Lost Password box.

 Lost Password

Enter your Username and E-mail Address, click 'Send Pasword', and a temporary password will be immediately emailed to you (check your email Junk folder if you do not see that email right away).

The temporary password will be a lengthy, criptic string of characters.  Use it to complete your Member Login. It is easiest to copy & paste that temporary password.

After logging in, you should immediately change the temporary password to something that you can easily remember, using the Member-Central > Edit My Information feature.

Edit My Information

Visit Change Your Password for more details about changing your password.

Our Sponsors

Member Login

Curl London

Club Bonspiels

There are no up-coming events

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.


Highland Community Curling Club
1922 Highland Heights
London, ON
N6C 2T4


Follow Us

About The Club

Highland Community Curling Club is proud to offer a safe and fun curling experience for all.  We welcome all skill levels to come out and enjoy curling.

Our accessible curling centre is centrally located at the Highland Country Club, in London, Ontario.